Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Chapman Brothers - Development

Chapman Brothers Development


As you can see within this art piece I have took the Chapman Brothers use of dolls and created an art piece of my own. Within this piece, I have used a baby doll's head and put it on top of an old image of young kids sitting on a fence. This image looks really old which I believe makes it look frightening. This has created an old piece but has created fear to the viewer as there is something about dolls that a lot of people find scary, by adding several heads this creates an element of fear. I have created a few of these, experimenting with different textures.

Mutated Doll

As you can see within this piece I have took an image of a barbie doll and I have liquefied it on Photoshop. From this it then makes it look mutated. This links to my project because it is a prospect that a lot of people are scared of as people are afraid of mutation and change. I have put it among a lot of buttons and needles as it is almost as if it is dismantled and is nothing anymore. I have various different versions of the mutation of dolls and I have done some photography of the doll within the needles, as shown below.

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Chapman Brothers - Photography

Photography Sources

As you can see I have gathered my sources which I have used in my project for the Chapman Brothers development. I have gathered barbie dolls and a baby doll's head. From this I have taken photographs of them, which I will be able to include within my art work. 

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Chapman Brothers

Chapman Brothers

Jake and Dino's Chapman are both brothers who work together as visual artists.  Their work is often deliberately meant to shock viewers and also has an aspect of fear put into it as they show dark and frightening art. They were nominated for the a annual Turner Prize but are now renowned world wide. Their art work is my main inspiration due to the amount of fear that comes through their work as just looking through their website has an element of fear as when you click on something a smiley face flashes, which causes fear.

DNA Zygotic

Within this piece of work it shows Mannequin dolls that have been melted together. As it shows two sets of legs and twelve heads. Zygotic is 'the cell formed by the union of two gametes' according to A Gamete is a sex cell so this art piece is showing what it would be like if DNA was zygotic. This is an installation piece that I find particularly creepy as they are all stuck together. I like the shock that comes from the first site of this art piece which I would like to bring into my work. I believe that all of the pieces melted make the art piece look particularly scary. This links to my project as by first site this art gives people shock as it looks creepy.


Within this piece of art work, the Chapman brothers have created their conception of hell within an installation piece. This piece has an element of a shock factor but is also very dark, which some people would find scary. Within this piece it shows Ronald McDonald being crucified and Nazi soldiers standing around talking as they stand on a bed of dead bodies. This is shocking to put McDonald's and Nazi's within the same bracket but it could be their point of view as they see McDonald's food as deadly due to the amount of Fat, Salt and Sugar within it as this causes many health problems. This links to my project as it has an element of fear and shock to it, which I would like to bring to my own work as at first site I would like to people to get a shiver down their back.